Working with Transports

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Working with Transports

How to build and use transports...


What are transports?

Transports are special Droids that can transport other droids in their cargo holds.

There are currently two types of transport:

<pics & info>

The main benefit of using transports is their ability to travel in a straight line to their destination, even if that destination is not accessible by land or hover propulsions: 

  • They can reach inaccessible high ground to build artillery, sensors or gain access to oil resources
  • They will often reach the destination faster than land units could, because they can fly over obstacles rather than having to traverse them

However, transports have little or no defence capability (in Warzone 3.1 they have a machine gun, in 3.2 and above they don't have a weapon) and they are the slowest of all airborne vehicles. This makes them particularly susceptible to any form of AA weapons, and currently that means that once the enemy has AA weapons transports are effectively obsolete. (sad)

How do I build transports?

<I have no idea!!>

How do I get droids on to a transport?

First, check if the transport is the correct type for the droid:

Next, check if there's enough room in the cargo hold:

  • The size of the droid can be determined from it's .bodySize property
  • The amount of cargo space remaining on the transport can be determined by it's .cargoSpace property
  • If .cargoSpace ≥ .bodySize, the transport has enough room for the droid

Finally, make sure the transport is landed and that the droid can reach it:

If the above requirements are met, you can move the droid on to the transport:

How do I know what droids are on a transport?

You can find out if there are any droids on a transport by inspecting the transport's .cargoCount property, which returns the number of droids in its cargo hold (an integer that's ≥0).

If the are droids in the cargo hold, you can get a list of them using enumCargo().

Droids in the cargo hold are no longer on the map, meaning that they will not appear in the results of functions such as enumDroid()enumRange() and enumArea(), although they will still be counted in functions such as countDroid().

How do I get droids off a transport?

The transport must be landed in an area where the surrounding terrain is accessible to the droids that are on the transport:

  • Use enumCargo() to get a list of droids and then determine their propulsion type via their .propulsion property
  • Check whether the droids will be able to access land around the transport using propulsionCanReach()

If the droids are cable of reaching map tiles around the transport, disembark them:

How do I repair transports?

Sending a transport to a rearming pad is a bad idea – not only will the transport take up waay too much room, but it will also hog the rearm pad for a very long time.

Instead, it's better to find the nearest repair facility and make the transport hover over it:

How do I script transports for away missions?

<to follow>

Availability 3.1 B5+


  • Warzone 3.1 Beta 5 or above
  • Warzone 3.2 strongly recommended

Jump to:


Transports weren't part of the original Warzone game.

A female fan called Toricat came up with the idea, and about 3 weeks later Pumpkin Studios released a patch adding transports to the game!

Rman Virgil

Scripting: Droids

Related objects:


  • .action – what action is the droid doing?
  • .droidType – what category of droid is it?
  • .order – what is the droids order?

Create them:

Organise them:

List or count them:

Tell them what to do:

How to's:

Transfer them between players:

Find out what's happening to droids:

Remove them:

Player Initialisation: