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Get a list of game objects within a specific area of the map...



The function has 3 different syntax options...
// syntax #1: specify co-ordinates of area
var results = enumArea( x1, y1, x2, y2[, filter[, seen]] );
// syntax #2: reference an AREA object by it's label
var results = enumArea( label[, filter[, seen]] );
// syntax #3: pass in an actual AREA object
var results = enumArea( areaObj[, filter[, seen]] );


SyntaxParameter(s)TypeMandatoryNotesGame Version
#1x1, y1,
x2, y2
Numbers(tick)The co-ordinates of the top left corner (x1, y1) and bottom right corner (x2, y2) of the area to search.3.2
#2labelString(tick)The name of a label associated with an AREA object.3.2
#3areaObjArea object(tick)An Area object or something that has x, y, x2, y2 properties.3.2




Optionally filter the list to a specific player (specify their player ID) or group of players (specify the Player Scope constant).

Player scopes supported:

  • ALLIES — Send a chat message to your allies.
  • ALL_PLAYERS — Send a chat message to all players.
  • ENEMIES — Filter enumeration to enemy objects.



Should the list be filtered by objects I can see?

  • true – yes, filter to visible objects
  • false – no, return all objects

Default: true


Return values

ValueTypeNotesGame Version
<results>Array of Game objects

An array of objects matching the specified criteria.

Use the .type property of the objects in the array to determine what they are.

[]Empty ArrayIf no objects are found, an empty array is returned.3.2
<error>ErrorInvalid parameters specified, label not found or areaObj invalid.3.2


The results will include Feature objects unless you filter to ENEMIES or ALLIES.


// Get a list of visible enemies within specified co-ordinates
var results = enumArea( 2, 3, 57, 42, ENEMIES );
// get a list of anything visible in a AREA labelled as "BASE_PERIMETER"
var results = enumArea( "BASE_PERIMETER" );
// get a list of all enemies within an area defined by an area object
var results = enumArea( {x:2, y:3, x2:57, y2:42, type:AREA}, ENEMIES, false );
Availability 3.2+


  • Warzone 3.2 or above

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See also

Related articles:

  • eventArea<Label>() – an event triggered when droids enter a labelled area
  • enumRange() – get a list of objects within a specific range of a map position
  • enumDroid() – get a list of droids anywhere on the map
  • enumStruct() – get a list of structures anywhere on the map
  • enumStructOffWorld() – get a list of offworld structures in a campaign away-mission