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Invoke a function at some point in the future...



This function has two syntax options...
// syntax #1: optional game object as third parameter (WZ 3.1 b1+)
queue(functionName, delay[, gameObject]);
// syntax #2: optional string as third parameter (WZ 3.2+)
queue(functionName, delay[, str]);


SyntaxParameterTypeMandatoryDescriptionGame Version

A string containing the name of a global function to invoke.

3.1 Beta 1

You can optionally set a minimum amount of time (in milliseconds) before your function gets called. Delays should ideally be 500 or more.

If you specify a value lower than 1 game tick (100 milliseconds) the default value will be used.

Default: 100 milliseconds

3.1 Beta 1
#1gameObjectGame object(error)

An optional game object that will be passed in to your function when it gets called. The object will automatically be refreshed with the latest game data.

If the object gets destroyed, the associated queued call will be cancelled automatically.

3.1 Beta 1

An optional string that will be passed in to your function when it gets called.


Return value

ValueTypeDescriptionGame version
undefinedUndefinedThe function was successfully queued.3.1 Beta 1
<error>ErrorDid you forget to specify functionName as a string?3.1 Beta 1


Unlike setTimer(), queue() does not repeat. It will make a single call to the named function at a later frame in the game.

You can cancel a queued call by calling removeTimer() (will also remove any timers associated with the function).

The function, when called, will be run in the context of the global scope ("this" will be the global scope).

Queued function calls persist the save/load cycle. You can therefore look at Saved game files to see what queued functions were defined at the time the game was saved.


Syntax #1: Call a function next game tick, passing in a game object
function foo(gameObj) {
  // gameObj == someGameObject

// this syntax works on WZ 3.1 and above
queue("foo", 0, someGameObject);
// global function foo will be called next game tick (100ms)
// if someGameObject gets destroyed, the queued call will be cancelled
Syntax #1: Call a function after 1 second, passing in a string
function bar(str) {
	// str = "hello"

// this syntax requires WZ 3.2 or above
queue("bar", 1000, "hello");
// global function bar will be called after 1 second
Availability 3.1 B1+


  • Warzone 3.1 Beta 1 and above
  • Syntax #2 added in Warzone 3.2

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See also

Related functions:

  • setTimer() – similar to queue, but will repeatedly call the function at a defined interval
  • removeTimer() – cancels all timers associated with a function