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Register a function to be called when a game object gets destroyed.



bind(functionName, gameObject);


ParameterTypeMandatoryDescriptionGame version
functionNameString(tick)The name of the function that should be called immediately before the gameObject is destroyed.3.1 Beta 1
gameObjectGame objects(tick)Any game object, such as a droid, structure or feature.3.1 Beta 1

Return value

ValueTypeDescriptionGame version
undefinedUndefinedIndicates the bind was successful.3.1 Beta 1
<error>ErrorIndicates there was a problem (did you remember to specify functionName as as a string?)3.1 Beta 1


To detect when your own objects are destroyed, use eventDestroyed() instead.

This function is useful because you can use it on objects owned by other players, and even destroyable features like trees.

Your function will be triggered immediately before the game object is removed from the map.


Do something when someObject is destroyed
function certainDeath(gameObject) {
  // do stuff
bind("certainDeath", someObject); // where someObject is any Game Object
Removed in Warzone 3.2.
Availability 3.1 B1→3.1.0


  • Warzone 3.1 Beta 1 → 3.1.0
  • Removed in 3.2

Later versions:

  • In Warzone 3.2 and above, use eventDestroyed() which is updated to trigger for any object owned by any player.

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