
(info) Other great resources: Official JS API docs, Scripting Forum



Defines the current action a Droid object is taking to fulfil its current .order.


The JS API doesn't define any of the DACTION (Droid Action) constants as they will rarely be used by scripters. If you want all the constants defined, include backport.daction.js in your script.

// just dumping these here for now...
// will make pages at a later date if I can muster the will power to do so!

const "DACTION_NONE"					= 0;  // not doing anything -- see also: eventDroidIdle()
const "DACTION_MOVE"					= 1;  // moving to a location -- see also: orderDroidLoc()
const "DACTION_BUILD"					= 2;  // building a structure -- see also: orderDroidBuild()
const "DACTION_BUILD_FOUNDATION"		= 3;  // building a foundation for a structure
const "DACTION_DEMOLISH"				= 4;  // demolishing a structure -- see also: orderDroidObj()
const "DACTION_REPAIR"				= 5;  // repairing a structure -- see also: orderDroidObj()
const "DACTION_ATTACK"				= 6;  // attacking something
const "DACTION_OBSERVE"				= 7;  // sensor droid observing something
const "DACTION_FIRESUPPORT"			= 8;  // attacking something visible by a sensor droid
const "DACTION_SULK"					= 9;  // refuse to do anything aggressive for a fixed time (running away on fire?)
const "DACTION_DESTRUCT"				= 10; // self destruct
const "DACTION_TRANSPORTOUT"			= 11; // move transporter off-world
const "DACTION_TRANSPORTWAITTOFLYIN"	= 12; // wait for timer to move reinforcements in
const "DACTION_TRANSPORTIN"			= 13; // move transporter on-world
const "DACTION_DROIDREPAIR"			= 14; // repairing a droid
const "DACTION_RESTORE"				= 15; // restore resistance points of a structure
const "DACTION_UNUSED"				= 16;
const "DACTION_MOVEFIRE"				= 17; // firing whilst moving? (DACTION_MOVETOATTACK = getting in range to attack)
const "DACTION_MOVETOBUILD"			= 18; // moving to a new building location
const "DACTION_MOVETODEMOLISH"		= 19; // moving to a new demolition location
const "DACTION_MOVETOREPAIR"			= 20; // moving to a new repair location
const "DACTION_BUILDWANDER"			= 21; // moving around while building
const "DACTION_FOUNDATION_WANDER"		= 22; // moving around while building the foundation
const "DACTION_MOVETOATTACK"			= 23; // moving to a target to attack
const "DACTION_ROTATETOATTACK"		= 24; // rotating to a target to attack
const "DACTION_MOVETOOBSERVE"			= 25; // moving to be able to see a target
const "DACTION_WAITFORREPAIR"			= 26; // waiting to be repaired by a facility
const "DACTION_MOVETOREPAIRPOINT"		= 27; // move to repair facility rall point
const "DACTION_WAITDURINGREPAIR"		= 28; // being repaired by a facility
const "DACTION_MOVETODROIDREPAIR"		= 29; // moving to a new location next to droid to be repaired
const "DACTION_MOVETORESTORE"			= 30; // moving to a low resistance structure (to repair it)
const "DACTION_UNUSED2"				= 31;
const "DACTION_MOVETOREARM"			= 32; // moving to a rearming pad - VTOLs
const "DACTION_WAITFORREARM"			= 33; // waiting for rearm - VTOLs
const "DACTION_MOVETOREARMPOINT"		= 34; // move to rearm point - VTOLs - this actually moves them onto the pad
const "DACTION_WAITDURINGREARM"		= 35; // waiting during rearm process- VTOLs
const "DACTION_VTOLATTACK"			= 36; // a VTOL droid doing attack runs
const "DACTION_CLEARREARMPAD"			= 37; // a VTOL droid being told to get off a rearm pad
const "DACTION_RETURNTOPOS"			= 38; // used by scout/patrol order when returning to route
const "DACTION_FIRESUPPORT_RETREAT"	= 39; // used by firesupport order when sensor retreats
const "DACTION_UNKNOWN"				= 40;
const "DACTION_CIRCLE"				= 41; // circling while engaging - VTOLs

See also

  • action.cpp – this C++ source code file defines all the DACTION constants and how they are performed
  • backport.daction.js – a Javascript include that will add all the DACTION constants to your script