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Defines the order which a droid is currently performing (the .order property of a Droid object) or must perform (orderDroid*() functions).


These constants have been added at various stages of Warzone's evolution. For more information see: Constants by version.

 You can add missing constants, along with some that aren't yet exposed by the JS API, using backport.dorder.js.


  • DORDER_REPAIRInstruct a construction droid to repair a damaged Structure object.
  • DORDER_DROIDREPAIRInstruct a repair droid to repair a damaged Droid object.
  • DORDER_PATROLInstruct a droid to patrol between it's current location and a specified location, attacking any enemies it detects along the way.
  • DORDER_DEMOLISHInstruct a construction droid to demolish one of your structures.
  • DORDER_STOPInstruct a droid to stop what it's doing.
  • DORDER_COMMANDERSUPPORTAssign an attacker droid to a commander droid so that it will attack whatever the commander droid targets.
  • DORDER_MOVEInstruct a droid to move to a new location.
  • DORDER_RTBInstruct a droid to return to your base.
  • DORDER_FIRESUPPORTAssign a attacker droid to a sensor droid so that it can attack whatever the sensor droid targets.
  • DORDER_RECYCLERecycle a droid...
  • DORDER_REARMInstruct a VTOL to return to a rearming pad for repairs and rearming.
  • DORDER_LINEBUILDIndicates that a construction droid is building a line of structures (eg. a long wall).
  • DORDER_ATTACKInstruct a droid to attack something.
  • DORDER_BUILDInstruct a construction droid to build a Structure object at a specific location.
  • DORDER_NONEIndicates that a droid is currently idle.
  • DORDER_RETREATInstruct a droid to retreat to a pre-defined retreat point. Does not retreat to HQ! Read docs before using!
  • DORDER_DESTRUCTInstruct a droid to self-destruct!
  • DORDER_RTR_SPECIFIEDInstruct a land droid to go to a specific repair facility for repairs.
  • DORDER_OBSERVEInstruct a sensor droid to observe (target) a Droid object, Structure object, or even a Feature object.
  • DORDER_SCOUTInstruct a droid to "scout" to a new location.
  • DORDER_HOLDInstruct the droid to hold its current position until instructed otherwise.
  • DORDER_CIRCLEInstruct a VTOL to circle around a specific location.
  • DORDER_UNUSEDAs it's name suggests, this constant is not used.
  • DORDER_RTRInstruct a land droid to go to a repair facility for repairs.
  • DORDER_GUARDInstruct a droid to guard a structure.
  • DORDER_RECOVEROrder a droid to recover a collectible item such as an oil barrel or artefact (crate).
  • DORDER_HELPBUILDInstruct a construction droid to help with an existing structure building site.

See also

  • Droids – list of all API features relating to droids.
  • orderdef.h – the C++ source file that defines all the order constants (there are several that aren't yet exposed to the JS API but you can still use them by passing in their number)
  • order.cpp – the C++ source file that makes the orders actually happen
  • orderDroid() – issue a simple order (that doesn't require a location or object) to a droid
  • orderDroidBuild() – tell a construction droid to build something
  • orderDroidLoc() – tell a droid to do something at a specific location
  • orderDroidObj() – tell a droid to do something to a specific object