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Get the current production limit for a specific droid type or the total number of droids a player can produce...



var limit = getDroidLimit(player[, droidType]);


ParameterTypeMandatoryNotesWarzone Version



The id of the player who's droid limits you want to inspect.

3.1 RC2

If specified, the limit for a specific type of droid will be returned.

If not specified, defaults to DROID_ANY which returns the overall number of droids, irrespective of type, that the player can produce.

3.1 RC2

Return value

ValueTypeNotesWarzone Version
<limit>NumberIf parameters are valid, the function returns the limit that's been set for either the specific droid, or the maximum number of droids the player can produce.3.1 RC2
<error>ErrorAn error occurred, most likely the player did not exist or there was an issue with the droidType specified.3.1 RC2


var limit = getDroidLimit(me); // how many droids can I produce in total?
var trucks = getDroidLimit(me, DROID_CONSTRUCT); // how many trucks can I have?
Availability 3.1 RC2+


  • Warzone 3.1 RC2 or above

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See also

Related articles:

  • setDroidLimit() – set droid limits for a player
  • Droids – quick reference to JS API features relating to droids
  • countDroid() – determine how many droids a player currently has
  • Droid object – lots of useful information on droids