User Interface
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User Interface
- _() localise — Used for string localisation (translation in to other languages)...
- console() — Outputs text to the player console associated with the script.
- enumSelected() — Get a list of all objects selected by the the game host...
- Mini Map and Design Mode — Enable or disable the mini map and design mode depending on the presence of a HQ.
- setMiniMap() — Display or hide the localhost human player's radar mini-map...
- setDesign() — Enable or disable the design tool...
- playSound() — Plays a sound, optionally displaying a beacon on the map and mini map.
- audioAlert(filename,pos,despam) — Throttled alternative for playSound().
- setTutorialMode() — Toggles "tutorial mode" in a single-player game...
- addReticuleButton() — Enable a reticule button...
- removeReticuleButton() — Disable a reticule button...
- Reticule buttons — These constants are used by addReticuleButton() and removeReticuleButton().
- BUILD — Used to show or hide the "Build" (hammer) reticule button.
- CANCEL — Used to show or hide the "Cancel" (central) reticule button.
- COMMAND — Used to show or hide the "Command" (star) reticule button.
- DESIGN — Used to show or hide the "Design" (blue components) reticule button.
- INTELMAP — Used to show or hide the "Intelligence" (earth map) reticule button.
- MANUFACTURE — Used to show or hide the "Maufacture" (factory) reticule button.
- OPTIONS — This constant is deprecated, use COMMAND instead.
- RESEARCH — Used to show or hide the "Research" (green circuit board) reticule button.
- Camera
- cameraZoom() — Zoom the camera in or out...
- cameraSlide() — Change the camera position...
- centreView() — Centre the camera view on a specific x,y tile co-ordinate...
- cameraTrack() — Instruct the camera to track a droid...
, multiple selections available,