Working with Repairs & Rearming

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Working with Repairs & Rearming

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eventDroidIdle() is triggered once the repairs/rearming is complete.

You can keep track of every stage of the repair process by looking at the properties of the Droid object.

If the .order property is DORDER_RTRDORDER_RTR_SPECIFIED or DORDER_REARM, the droid hasn't yet been repaired/rearmed.

You can determine what stage of the repair/rearm process the droid is at by looking at it's .action property:

  • DACTION_MOVETOREPAIR or DACTION_MOVETOREARM – the droid is still travelling to the repair facility or rearming pad
  • DACTION_WAITFORREPAIR or DACTION_WAITFORREARM – the droid has arrived at facility/pad, but it's had to join a queue of other droids waiting for repairs/rearming
  • DACTION_MOVETOREPAIRPOINT or DACTION_MOVETOREARMPOINT – the droid is now moving to the facility or landing on the pad

As repairs are being performed, the droid's .health property will increase towards 100, and if it's a VTOL it's .armed property will also increase towards 100.

Once repairs/rearming is complete, the following will happen:

  • Land units will move to the repair facility rally point
  • VTOLs will either continue their last mission or if the previous mission was completed they'll remain on the rearming pad.

Note that VTOLs are sometimes told to move away from a rearming pad (eg. if they are repaired and another VTOL needs the pad, or if a land unit is trying to move across the pad). In this scenario the droid action will be DACTION_CLEARREARMPAD.