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Instruct a droid to move to a new location.


Warzone 3.1 Beta 1 and above.


Move a droid to where I first started out on this map
// move to specific location (assuming droid can get there)
// move to specific object (assuming droid can get there)


The droid's current order can be determined from it's .order property. For more infomration see Droid object.

This is very similar to DORDER_SCOUT, however with DORDER_MOVE the droid is unlikely to attack enemy targets while its travelling.

If the droid can't reach the location you've specified due to terrain obstacles, it won't move.

See also

  • droidCanReach() – determine if a droid can reach a specific location
  • orderDroidLoc() – order a droid to move to, or do something at, a specific location
  • orderDroidObj() – order droid to move to, or do something with, a specific game object
  • .order – list of all order constants
  • startPositions[] – an array of player starting positions