
(info) Other great resources: Official JS API docs, Scripting Forum


The JS API has several object types that you'll encounter regularly when developing scripts...


JS API Objects

Each object has a number of properties that defines its specific attributes. For more information, see the links below:

(warning) Note: PLAYER_DATA & RESEARCH_DATA constants were added in Warzone 3.1 Beta 11.

Object documentation.type propertyNotesAvailability
Area objectAREAAn object defining top-left and bottom-right co-ordinates for an area of the map.3.1 B1+

Droid object


Describes a droid (unit) on the map or being produced in a factory. Inherits Game object fields.

3.1 B1+

Feature object


A map feature such as a tree, log cabin, oil barrel, artefact or oil derrick, etc. Inherits Game object fields.

3.1 B1+
Group ObjectGROUPInformation about a group defined in labels.ini.3.2+

Structure object


A building or defence structure on the map that's owned by a human, AI or scavenger player. Inherits Game object fields.

3.1 B1+
Player objectPLAYER_DATA

Contains information about a specific player.

3.1 B1+
Position objectPOSITIONContains the x,y co-ordinate of a specific location on the map.3.1 B1+
Research objectRESEARCH_DATA

Contains information about a specific technology.

3.1 B1+
Template Object Contains information about a template (see Components & Templates)3.2+
Weapon Object Contains information about a weapon (see getWeaponInfo())3.2+

Creating Custom Objects

Javascript makes it easy to create custom objects and arrays – here's some useful links if you're new to Javascript: