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List structures on the current map...



var structures = enumStruct([player[, structTypeOrID[, viewer]]]);


ParameterTypeMandatoryDescriptionGame version

The ID number of the player who's structures you want to list.

Defaults to me.

3.1 Beta 1





The type of structure you want to list, usually specified by it's .stattype constant:

You can alternatively specify a structure type by it's ID as defined in structures.txt

If the parameter is not specified, structures of all types will be returned.

3.1 Beta 1

List structures that a specific player can see (eg. on their sensors), with the player specified by their player ID.

Defaults to ALL_PLAYERS which means "don't filter based on viewer".

3.1 Beta 1

Return value

ValueTypeDescriptionGame version
<array>Array of
Structure objects 
If structures matching the criteria are found, an array of structure objects will be returned.3.1 Beta 1
[]ArrayIf no matching structures are found, you get an empty array.3.1 Beta 1
<error>ErrorIf the player/viewer or structure type specified is incorrect, an error is thrown.3.1 Beta 1


Get a list of all my structures...
// get a list of all my structures
var myStructures = enumStruct();
Build a list of all enemy structures...
var enemyStructs = [];
playerData.forEach( function(player) {
  if ( !allianceExistsBetween(me, player) ) { // enemy player
    enemyStructs = enemyStructs.concat(enumStruct(player));
} );
In the early beta releases bug #3123 prevented scripts from getting lists of scavenger droids and structures. See scavengerPlayer for some ideas as to how to deal with that.
There have been numerous changes to Structure objects across various Warzone versions.
Availability 3.1 B1+


  • Warzone 3.1 Beta 1 or above

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See also

Related articles: 

  • Structures – quick reference to all JS API stuff relating to structures
  • enumBlips() – get a list of radar detector blips on the map
  • enumDroid() – get a list of droids on the map
  • enumFeature() – get a list of features on the map
  • enumStructOffWorld() – similar to enumStruct(), but gets a list of structures that aren't on the current map (used in campaigns when doing off-world missions)