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- Aubergine
Owned by Aubergine
List structures on the current map...
var structures = enumStruct([player[, structTypeOrID[, viewer]]]);
Parameter | Type | Mandatory | Description | Game version |
player | Number | The ID number of the player who's structures you want to list. Defaults to me. | 3.1 Beta 1 | |
structTypeOrID | Constant String | The type of structure you want to list, usually specified by it's .stattype constant:
You can alternatively specify a structure type by it's ID as defined in structures.txt If the parameter is not specified, structures of all types will be returned. | 3.1 Beta 1 | |
viewer | Number | List structures that a specific player can see (eg. on their sensors), with the player specified by their player ID. Defaults to ALL_PLAYERS which means "don't filter based on viewer". | 3.1 Beta 1 |
Return value
Value | Type | Description | Game version |
<array> | Array of Structure objects | If structures matching the criteria are found, an array of structure objects will be returned. | 3.1 Beta 1 |
[] | Array | If no matching structures are found, you get an empty array. | 3.1 Beta 1 |
<error> | Error | If the player/viewer or structure type specified is incorrect, an error is thrown. | 3.1 Beta 1 |
Get a list of all my structures...
// get a list of all my structures var myStructures = enumStruct();
Build a list of all enemy structures...
var enemyStructs = []; playerData.forEach( function(player) { if ( !allianceExistsBetween(me, player) ) { // enemy player enemyStructs = enemyStructs.concat(enumStruct(player)); } } );
In the early beta releases bug #3123 prevented scripts from getting lists of scavenger droids and structures. See scavengerPlayer for some ideas as to how to deal with that.
Availability 3.1 B1+
- Warzone 3.1 Beta 1 or above
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See also
Related articles:
- Structures – quick reference to all JS API stuff relating to structures
- enumBlips() – get a list of radar detector blips on the map
- enumDroid() – get a list of droids on the map
- enumFeature() – get a list of features on the map
- enumStructOffWorld() – similar to enumStruct(), but gets a list of structures that aren't on the current map (used in campaigns when doing off-world missions)