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This event is triggered when a droid or structure is transferred to or from another player...



function eventObjectTransfer(gameObject, from) {
  // do stuff


ParameterTypeMandatoryDescriptionGame version

Droid object

Structure object


The object that was transferred.

It's .player property indicates who now owns it.

3.1 Beta 2

The ID of the player who lost the object.

You can find out more about them in the playerData[] array.

3.1 Beta 2

Return value

Warzone does not process your event handler's return value.


Common scenarios for this happening are:

The event is triggered after the object is transferred, so the objects' .player property will indicate who now owns it.

Both players will receive the event (not that it matters much to your script).

If the object was in a group, it will be removed from the group. On Warzone 3.2 or above, that will trigger eventGroupLoss().


Handle all possible scenarios
eventObjectTransfer(gameObject, from) {
  if (gameObject.player == me) { // I gained a new object
    if (allianceExistsBetween(me,from)) { // a gift from an ally
      // do stuff
    } else { // probably Nexus Link assimilated it from an enemy
      // do stuff
  } else { // I lost an object
    if (allianceExistsBetween(gameObject.player,from)) { // I gave a droid to my ally
      // do stuff
    } else { // looks like an enemy Nexus Link assimilated one of my droids :(
      // do stuff
Availability 3.1 B2+


  • Warzone 3.2 Beta 2 or above

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