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This event is triggered when you get a new droid as a result of buildDroid() or addDroid()...



function eventDroidBuilt(droid, structure) {
  // do stuff


ParameterTypeMandatoryDescriptionGame version
droidDroid object(tick)An object representing the droid you just received.3.1 Beta 1

Structure object



If the droid was produced at a factory, for example you used buildDroid() function, this will be an object representing that factory.

If the droid wasn't built at a factory, for example if you used the addDroid() function, this parameter will be undefined.

3.1 Beta 2

Return value

Warzone does not process the event handlers' return value.


Example event handler
function eventDroidBuilt(droid,structure) {
  // droid object will always be defined - you probably want to give it some orders
  if (structure) {
    // the droid was built at your factory, which is probably now idle
It's also possible to gain droids by assimilation or transfer from another player - see eventObjectTransfer() for dealing with that scenario.
Availability 3.1 B1+


  • Warzone 3.1 Beta 1 and above.
  • The 'structure' parameter was added in Warzone 3.1 Beta 2

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Scripting: Droids

Related objects:


  • .action – what action is the droid doing?
  • .droidType – what category of droid is it?
  • .order – what is the droids order?

Create them:

Organise them:

List or count them:

Tell them what to do:

How to's:

Transfer them between players:

Find out what's happening to droids:

Remove them:

Player Initialisation: