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Owned by Aubergine
Used to bypass droid type filtering in functions that list or count droids.
Can be used in countDroid() and enumDroid() to bypass the droid type filter.
Prior to Warzone 3.1.0, you'll need to manually define the constant:
const DROID_ANY = 15; // only required for WZ 3.1 RC3 or earlier
var myDroidCount = countDroid(DROID_ANY, me);
Availability 3.1.0+
- Warzone 3.1.0 or above
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Scripting: Droids
Related objects:
- .action – what action is the droid doing?
- .droidType – what category of droid is it?
- .order – what is the droids order?
Create them:
- makeTemplate() – check various things before building a droid
- componentAvailable() – is a component (propulsion, body or turret) available?
- addDroid() – instantly add a droid to the map
- buildDroid() – produce a droid at a factory
- getDroidProduction() – find out what droid a factory is currently producing
- setDroidExperience() – set experience of a droid
Organise them:
List or count them:
- hackGetObj() – get a single droid
- enumDroid() – list droids on the map
- enumArea() – list droids in specific area
- enumRange() – list droids near a location
- enumGroup() – list droids in a group
- enumSelected() – list droids that are selected
- countDroid() – count droids
Tell them what to do:
- orderDroid() – give a basic order
- droidCanReach() – can the droid reach it's destination?
- propulsionCanReach() – can a specific propulsion travel between two points?
- orderDroidBuild() – build a structure
- orderDroidLoc() – move to a location the map
- orderDroidObj() – do something to another object (attack, repair, etc)
How to's:
- Working with Commanders
- Working with Factories
- Working with Repairs & Rearming
- Working with Sensors
- Working with Transports
- Working with Construction
- Working with VTOLs
Transfer them between players:
- donateObject() – donate a droid to an ally
- eventObjectTransfer() – a droid was transferred or assimilated
Find out what's happening to droids:
- eventDroidBuilt() – droid built or added
- eventDroidIdle() – current orders completed
- eventSelectionChange() – human (de)selects droids
- eventArea<Label>() – droid enters a labelled area
- eventObjectSeen() – droid appears on your sensors
- eventAttacked() – cluster was attacked
- eventAttackedUnthrottled() – same as above, but unthrottled
- eventPickup() – picked up an artifact or oil drum
- eventDestroyed(), bind() – destroyed or recycled
Remove them:
- removeObject() – instantly remove a droid
- DORDER_DESTRUCT – an alternate method
- DORDER_RECYCLE – recycle a droid
- enableTemplate() – allow construction trucks to be built before HQ
- enableComponent() – make a droid component available to research
- makeComponentAvailable() – make a droid component available
- setDesign() – enable or disable design mode
- setDroidLimit() – limit the number of droids a player can make
- getDroidLimit() – determine the limits set for droids
- setExperienceModifier() – change rate at which droids gain experience