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Triggered when a game object leaves a group...



eventGroupLoss(gameObject, groupID, groupSize)


ParameterTypeNotesGame Version
gameObjectGame object

The object that left the group.

Note that in WZ 3.2+, any type of game object can be added to a group.

groupIDNumberThe ID of the group3.2
groupSizeNumberThe size of the group after the object was removed from the group.3.2


An object can be removed from a group in four ways:

  • The object is moved to another group
  • The object gets destroyed
  • The object is transferred to an ally (eg. donateObject())
  • The object is assimilated by Nexus Link

The sequence of events is as shown below:

When an object is transferred or assimilated, the .player property of the object sent to eventGroupLoss() will be the original player, whereas the .player property of the object sent to eventObjectTransfer() will be the new owner.

When droids are assimilated via Nexus Link, eventDestroyed() is also triggered, however this is considered to be a bug as the object hasn't actually been destroyed.

Thanks to NoQ for providing detailed information on event sequencing.
Availability 3.2+


  • Warzone 3.2 or above

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Scripting: Groups

Related Objects:

 Create them:

  • newGroup() – create a new group
  • WZ 3.2+ – add to a group that doesn't exist yet
  • labels.ini – group map-placed objects

Add things to them:

Remove things from them:

  • Put them in some other group

Count objects in them:

List them:

Retrieve their objects:

Monitor them:

Remove them:

  • not currently possible