This encyclopaedia contains lots of spoilers - you should play through the campaigns first before reading too much here!
Scavenger Faction
Much of the early Scavenger technology began life in the hands of the Marauders, led by Lord Humungus. After the Scavengers defeated Humungous, Wez, his second-in-command, joined the Scavengers and gave them plans for Marauder technology.
The Scavengers are also extremely resourceful and despite having few or no research labs they are able to find imaginative ways to cause death and destruction with only the most basic materials and tools to work with.
However, in the early missions of The Project's first Campaign, Team Alpha realise that the Scavengers have gained access to advanced military technologies such as cannons and rockets. It is later discovered that a survivalist faction known as the New Paradigm have secretly been supplying the Scavengers with the advanced military technology.
Scavenger Buildings
The Scavengers aren't the best building designers in the world. As far as they are concerned, if it has a roof and something that holds that roof several feet above the ground, it's a job well done.
Common construction materials include bald tires, wood, corrugated steel, tarpaulin, bear hides and lots of nails. They will often set-up camps near pre-Collapse buildings, particularly log cabins, warehouses and cranes.
Oil Derrick
Scavengers love gasoline! Without it they would have no fuel for their battlefield vehicles.
Sensor Tower
Surely this is just a humble sensor tower like any other?
We shall see...
Petrol Station
You'll see Scavengers paying regular visits to their local Petrol Station for fuel and repairs.
As well as supplying much needed gasoline to their battlefield armaments, the station's shop serves a wide range of hot and cold snacks, sewing kits, tasty beverages and barbecue coals. Barbecue coals are in high demand as they leave a better taste, compared to flamer gel, when cooking roadkill.
Gasoline Refinery
While these buildings may seem inferior in every way to the Power Generators used by all other factions, they are surprisingly effective. That's because they're not actually generating power...
Unlike other factions, who use power for everything from vehicle production to building construction, the Scavengers only need to convert oil in to gasoline for vehicle fuel and flamer gel, and their gasoline refineries are very efficient at that task.
Chop Shop
What many other factions refer to as a "Vehicle Factory" is little more than a large chop shop where Scavenger mechanics (any bloke with a welding kit and a hammer) assemble random parts of abandoned pre-Collapse vehicles to form weaponised battlefield monstrosities.
Many former Wezzers (see later) work in the chop shops, unable to return to the battlefield due to their injuries. Often, vehicles are traded for crutches and bandages. Rumours suggest that the last of the V8 Interceptors can be found somewhere in a Scavenger chop shop, where it awaits a suitable owner since its purchase on eBay in the times before the The Collapse.
Home of the Scavenger Gyro's, all Scavenger "Choppers" are built here. The tower, designed by the Gyro Captain himself, has no windows thus allowing a man inside to lick his thumb and stick it outside to see which way the wind is blowing. Often, large piles of lingerie catalogues can be found inside the tower, a sure sign that the Gyro Captain has been there.
Unlike other factions, that invest in complex military VTOL technology, Scavenger airfields are quick to build and require no upgrades. They are able to cheaply produce Choppers, gaining the Scavengers an early air superiority in any conflict.
Scavenger Defence Structures
Machine Gun Bunker
The humble MG Bunker was one of the Scavengers first innovations in defence structures. Built in the holes left by abandoned long-drop outdoor toilets, the bunkers are big enough for several men with machine guns and enough ammunition and dog food to last several days at a time.
To protect the soldiers, a corrugated steel roof is carefully placed on to several piles of bricks (or bald tires if there are no bricks). The bunker roofs are so close to the ground that often enemy tanks won't realise that the bunker is there until they drive over them, causing the roof to collapse and killing everyone inside.
Cannon Tower
The Cannon Tower is one of the more extravagant, if somewhat unstable, Scavenger defences. At the top of the tower there is a fairly hefty cannon which can slowly manually rotated and titled to face in the rough direction of incoming enemy troops.
It is reported that the recoil of the cannon causes structural damage to the tower and although no tower has yet collapsed, it's only a matter of time before one does. Furthermore, its somewhat of a struggle to get cannon rounds up to the cannon, particularly in the heat of battle, which suitably explains the slow firing rate of the cannon.
Flamer Tower
The Scavengers prefer to use flame throwers mounted on vehicles so they can start fires in a wider variety of places. However, they realised fire would be an effective deterrent against Marauders and other unwanted guests so they came up with this novel Flamer Tower design.
Having mounted all their flame thrower hardware on road warrior vehicles, once again the Scavengers were faced with an innovate-or-don't-set-fire-to-stuff situation. As you might expect, they innovated rather than face the alternative. The flamer tower contains a cabin at the top that is just big enough for a circus fire eater to stand in. He sits patiently with a mount full of gasoline and a box of matches – when an enemy approaches, he lights a match and spits burning gasoline in their general direction. Due to the height of the tower and physics, from his location he is able to spit fire for quite a distance, often hitting the enemy before they drive in to the base of the tower.
Rocket Pit
Despite it's close proximity to the ground, the Scavenger Rocket Pit is surprisingly effective due to his relatively high rate of fire. It can repeatedly pummel enemy tanks, and even small mounds of earth that get in the way, until the tank either gets bored or blows up.
The rocket pit is protected by a wall of tires, because enemy machine gun rounds will bounce off the tires, obviously.
Strike Pit
Named after the "Sttttrrrrrrriiike!" shouted by it's operators on a successful hit, this defence is designed to take out enemy tanks.
By using a weapon that's actually designed to take out tanks, this pit is very effective at doing its job. Quite where the Scavengers get their supply of anti-tank rockets from is mystery.
Mortar Pit
As it's name suggests, the mortar pit is a pit that has a mortar in it. Like the other pits, the weapon is protected by a wall of tires and any other material that was lying around at the time of construction.
The mortar has a good range, particularly with sensor trucks helping with targeting (see later), and can fire over over structures and even the entire Scavenger camp to reach a target. Occasionally, however, a mortar round will land inside the Scavenger camp causing devastating damage to one or more tarpaulin sheets.
My-1 Zenith AA Tower
The scavenger Anti-Aircraft defence system is the epitome of simplicity: A tower with machinegun-wielding infantry on top shooting at anything that moves in the skies above.
Communication Issues
Due to somewhat chaotic communication systems employed by the Scavengers, including homing pigeons and messages in bottles, construction orders can sometimes get misinterpreted, sometimes with stunning results as this reconnaissance video shows:
Scavenger infantry revel in death and destruction and are virtually fearless, living only for battle and the dream of owning a CO2-powered Nordenfelt gun.
Proposed design for Scavenger infantry.
Construction Vehicles
The Scavengers have perfected the art of low-power construction, enabling them to gain a foothold in even the most barren environments.
B-42 Crane
Manufacturer: Berg Industries
A cross between a digger and a porta-cabin, these are a popular choice for scavenger building activities.
Early prototypes of the vehicle were not particularly successful, as can be seen in this compelling documentary.
Investigations revealed that the mechanical machinery used to control the digger arm was grossly underpowered and very rusty. So, in a stroke of genius, the Scavengers removed it completely and instead filled the cabin with Wez-rejects who pull on ropes that actuate the digger arm. While this might at first sound like an insane idea, it actually resulted in one of the most power-efficient and reliable construction technologies on the battlefield.
Due to the speed and low cost at which digger cabins can be made they are usually the first construction vehicles to be seen on the battlefield, sometimes even building derricks and petrol stations inside enemy compounds before the enemy even has chance to build a base.
Fl-13 Excavator
Manufacturer: Flail Ltd.
Every so often, the Scavengers will find an old excavator at an abandoned building site or quarry.
After bashing the rust of with a hammer and installing a beer dispenser, these excavators become highly efficient construction machines. While they use double the power to run, they are twice as effective as their crane counterparts.
Light vehicles
Scavenger light vehicles, built from scrap parts at car factories, are often referred to as "Road Warriors" because they can drive on roads and have warriors in them.
While they have no armour and carry only basic weapons, they are very power-efficient and can be produced in large numbers very quickly. A group of road warriors can quickly overwhelm an enemy outpost due to their speed and agility.
Pk-100 Trike
Manufacturer: Pumpkin & Co.
The smallest of all the road warrior vehicles, in size and number of wheels, the Trike is a small, nimble irritation for any enemy faction.
A machine gun is mounted on the roll cage allowing the driver to attack targets in almost any direction, however several drivers have been so busy shooting at something behind them that they've driven in to mountains and sustained serious injuries to their Trike and also died in the process.
Pk-105 Jeep
Manufacturer: Pumpkin & Co.
Jeeps are a popular choice amongst Scavenger road warriors as they offer a relatively comfortable drive whilst destroying stuff.
They are often found mounted with a machine gun or rocket launcher. While easily damaged, it is believed that the Jeeps make use of components from salvaged Toyota Hilux's, widely regarded as the most durable vehicle in any warzone, and for this reason you are likely to see lots of them on the battlefield.
Pk-110 Buggy
B-100 Tractor
Manufacturer: Berg Industries
An agricultural tractor mounted with a flamethrower.
Due to their slow speed, tractors are rarely seen on the battlefield. However, due to radiation poisoning of farm land, there's not much else to do with them so why not use them as cannon fodder?
For their size, the tractors can carry lots of gasoline and thus make excellent platforms for flame throwers, however they do tend to overheat quite quickly...
B-150 Ice Cream Van
Manufacturer: Berg Industries
To combat the problems associated with fitting flame throwers to Tractors, the Scavengers turned to a vehicle that had excellent built-in refrigeration systems: Ice Cream Vans.
The on-board crew remain cool in their climate-controlled environment whilst setting fire to everything around them.
Nothing strikes fear in to the hearts of enemy soldiers like the playful music of an approaching ice cream flame thrower van.
B-155 Camper Van
Manufacturer: Berg Industries
With the introduction of heavier weapons, such as the cannon, the Scavengers started retrofitting Camper Vans for battlefield use.
Formerly the chic choice for pre-Collapse hippies and meddling kids, their seats are now piled high with munitions and the roof often buckles under the weight of the cannon. When Camper Vans arrive, it's time for the smaller vehicles to leave the battlefield – a couple of cannon shells will swiftly dispatch them.
Heavy Vehicles
Not content with an already bewildering array of vehicles, the Scavengers quickly set about modifying larger pre-Collapse vehicles for use on the battlefield.
Pk-210 School Bus
Manufacturer: Pumpkin & Co.
With all schools being destroyed by intercontinental ballistic nuclear missiles during The Collapse, the Scavengers quickly found alternate uses for these vehicles. In particular, the student-proof design of the bus makes it an ideal replacement for cannon Camper Vans.
Unemployed school teachers are often found manning the weapons, usually a cannon or anti-tank rocket, enabling them to release years of anger and frustration on the battlefield. Indeed, recent satisfaction surveys show that the teachers are delighted with their new role as road warriors, with many wondering why they didn't think of weaponising school transport pre-Collapse.
Pk-205 Fire Truck
Manufacturer: Pumpkin & Co.
Fire engine are one of the most versatile battlefield weapon platforms available to the Scavengers.
By filling the water chambers with gasoline, the fire engines can quickly be converted in to mobile flame throwers, thus making them true "fire" engines. Due to their excellent suspension and stabiliser pads, they also make excellent platforms for mobile anti-tank rockets.
B-300 Heavy Truck
Manufacturer: Berg Industries
Articulated lorries are probably the most devastating weapons in the Scavengers arsenal. Notable features include multiple weapon mounts and a beeping sound when they are reversing.
Having been used to transport various consumer goods to supermarkets before the Collapse, the trailers are now put to a far better use – carrying devastating weapons in to the battlefield to deliver painful death to just about anything that gets in their way.
This is by far the most unusual and technologically advanced vehicle owned by the Scavengers – a modified NEXUS Link turret on a tracked tank body of unknown origin. It is not clear where the Scavengers got this technology from. While it would seem logical that NEXUS or some other faction gave it to them, this does not appear to be the case.
Of all the factions, Scavengers are the least likely to be affected by the NEXUS Intruder Program due to their low tech, computer-free approach to warfare. It is believed that at some point the Scavengers were attacked by a NEXUS Link turret, but being low-tech were unaffected by it and started hitting it with hammers until the turret broke free. It would appear that the main component of the turret they developed is derived from a scrap yard electromagnet, the sort used to move car carcasses around, which would explain all the wires wrapped around it.
They normally produce several of these vehicles at a time and will often succeed in capturing enemy vehicles and structures. Advanced construction droids, like those used by The Project and other factions, are particularly sought after due to their inbuilt air conditioning and power steering.
The scavenger's ingenuity and resourcefulness knows no bounds. Ever the intrepid pioneers, the Scavengers were the first post-Collapse faction to take to the skies as a result of ground-breaking work by a man known only as the Gyro Captain.
The Gyro Captain pictured with one of his early (crash-landed) Gyrocopter prototypes.
While many aircraft existed pre-Collapse, they were mostly unusable in the post-Collapse world due to lack of GPS, refined fuel and spare parts. The Gyro Captain proved that all these issues could be resolved and, perhaps more importantly, demonstrated that choppers were effective on the post-Collapse battlefield.
As a result, the Scavengers become proficient in stripping down and modifying pre-Collapse helicopters and in doing so were able to dominate large areas of wasteland and gasoline resources.
Bp-200 Gun Chopper
Manufacturer: Black Project
These aircraft are loosely based on the design of a pre-Collapse crop sprayer helicopter. However, the Scavengers lack the required parts for mass production so had to improvise. The cockpit is actually a lorry cabin, the fuel chambers are made from industrial cooking oil barrels and the engine is housed in a modified cargo container to protect it from enemy machine gun fire. Most impressive of all, the rotors are comprised of sections of combine harvester blades, bashed straight with a hammer and then welded together, which is the real reason why these contraptions are referred to as "choppers".
Armed with up to three machine guns or a mini-pod rocket launcher, and often airborne before the enemy have chance to build defences, or anything else for that matter, Gun Choppers are an aerial menace to be reckoned with.
B-205 Police Chopper
Manufacturer: Berg Industries
The B-205 is a militarised police helicopter that's been retrofitted to handle the hardships of post-Collapse aviation. Less drafty than the BP-200, the B-205 offers superior leg room and is a favourite amongst pilots.
Armed with a mini-rocket pod, and seemingly endless amounts of ammunition, they can often be found pelting enemy gasoline pumps to oblivion. They are also ideally suited to air-to-air combat – their mini-rockets make short work of the fuel barrels on Gun Choppers.
B-410 Chinook
Manufacturer: Berg Industries
Quite how the Scavengers managed to get this monster dual-rotor pre-Collapse transport helicopter airborne without military-grade fuel and components is still a mystery, but the fact is that they did and they use it to great advantage.
Scavenger Sensor Myth
Many factions assume that Scavengers have mastered the art of sensor technology, after all Scavengers make extensive use of them – on towers, school busses and, on some rare occasions in the past, even sensor trikes have been observed.
However, this is a complete misinterpretation of Scavenger vehicle observation reports. What looks like a sensor dish is actually a parabolic loud speaker connected to a microphone in the cabin of the vehicle, where a man with binoculars shouts out descriptions of everything he can see whilst narrowly avoiding driving in to a tree. Because he's so busy looking through his binoculars, whilst at the same time trying not to crash in to something, he has no idea where his fellow warriors are. It's for this reason that the speaker mounted on top of the vehicle rotates to broadcast his observations in all directions, in the hope that someone will hear him and do something useful.
Despite this low-tech approach to target designation, it's surprisingly effective:
Sensor: "There's an enemy building of some sort in front of me!"
Mortar Ice Cream Van: "Woohoo! Let's cause some destruction!"
Sensor: "You missed! Aim left a bit!"
Mortar Ice Cream Van: <aims to its left>
Sensor: "No, your other left!"
Mortar Ice Cream Van: <aims to its right>
Sensor: "Aim up a bit. Up a bit more... Down a bit..."
Infantry: "Good morning, it's a lovely sunny day, eh? Can I have a Mr. Whippy, two lollies and '99, please?"
Mortar Ice Cream Van: "Certainly sir, would you like sprinkles and raspberry sauce on your '99?"
Sensor: "Stop serving ice cream and destroy that damn building already!"
Infantry: "Yes, and can I have a half a flake in it too please."
Mortar Ice Cream Van: "There you go sir, have a nice day maiming people."
Due to their rows of seats and windows, school busses are now the vehicle of choice for "sensors" (a term that actually refers to the people holding binoculars). This enables sensors to safely observe the battlefield whilst the bus driver deals with obstacle avoidance.
The Scavenger faction takes inspiration primarily from Mad Max 2 - The Road Warrior:
Concept Sketches by Pumpkin Studios show designs that look like they are straight from Mad Max, complete with "stuff":

However, due to the limitations of 3D graphics back in 1999 when the game was released, the units that made it in to the game were somewhat more basic in design.
Rman Virgil worked on a project several years ago that aimed to give Scavengers custom base walls made from Cargo Containers.

Mission Statement
"Give me your pump, the oil,
the gasoline!! ...and the whole compound."
— Lord Humungus
Post-Collapse Factions
Factions present post-collapse:
- Civilian Prisoners
- New Paradigm
- Scavenger Faction — Bands of armed scavengers roam the land seeking out oil resources, scrap yards and tins of dog food.
- The Collective
- The Project
Developer Links
JS API features:
- scavengers – are scavengers enabled on the map?
- scavengerPlayer and backport.scavengerPlayer.js – what is the player ID of the scavenger faction?
Map making:
- Adding scavenger bases – hints and tips for map makers
- Tag: Scavenger – audio and video files relating to scavengers
- Ultimate Scavenger Mod – great example of customising the scavenger faction