Unusual Things

(warning) This encyclopaedia contains lots of spoilers - you should play through the campaigns first before reading too much here!

Unusual Things

This is an archive of projects, experiments and features from the past that didn't make it in to the game.


The Archives

  • Cargo ContainersStacking cargo containers whilst map designing to create walls and arches.
  • Strange Turrets / WeaponsSeveral long-forgotten Warzone turrets and weapons...
  • MinesExplosive mines and cyborgs to place and detect them...
  • MechsXanaPrime created a mod that added "Mech Warrior" style droids to Warzone...
  • Strange CyborgsA howitzer and sniper cyborg...
  • Advanced Repair FacilityAn unusual repair structure that you won't have seen before...

Lots more can be found in the
List of unimplemented things
(links to forums)