New Paradigm

(warning) This encyclopaedia contains lots of spoilers - you should play through the campaigns first before reading too much here!

New Paradigm


The New Paradigm is a survivalist organisation dedicated to creating a military state in the Western sector and to recover artifacts from before The Collapse.

The New Paradigm has been active since The Collapse and control superior weapon technology.



cam 1 / sub1_7pl - nexus intruder prog enters NP systems at same time as it tried to infect project systems.

cam 1 / sub17fmv - project decide to capture NP core systems to recover intruder prog

cam 1 / sub1_4bn - NP search artefacts to give to nexus for rewards (more tech?)


Mission Statement

"To create a military state in the Western Sector and to find artifacts from before The Collapse."
— Paradigm Manifesto