
(info) Other great resources: Official JS API docs, Scripting Forum


Indicates whether scavengers are enabled in this game.




Scavengers are enabled. However, this doesn't mean there will be scavengers on the map!

(warning) The map must define a scavenger base for the scavenger faction to actually appear.


Scavengers are disabled and the map will not contain any scavengers.

If the map file contains scavenger bases/units, they will be removed from the map when this value is false.

How is it set?

For Challenge Games, set the "Scavengers" property in your .ini file to either true or false.

For skirmish and multiplayer games, Scavengers are enabled or disabled on the game set-up screen:

In the early beta releases, bug #3123 prevented scripts from getting lists of scavenger droids and structures. See scavengerPlayer for some ideas as to how to deal with that.

Availability STABLE


  • Warzone 3.1 Beta 1 and above.

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See also

  • Adding Scavengers to Maps – FlaME map editor guide
  • scavengerPlayer – a global that defines which player ID the scavenger faction are playing as
  • scavfact.js – the scavenger faction AI script bundled with Warzone
  • Ultimate Scavenger AI Mod – a game mod that replaces the normal scavfact.js with a massively improved version, and also adds a new "Crane" construction droid for scavengers