(info) Most of the information here is for Warzone 3.1 and above.

Video (Cinematics)


Directory of all videos bundled with the game, tutorials on making cinematics, cutscenes and more...


  • Camera Concepts — Think about the camera - where and what is it...?
  • Subtitles / Captions — Videos can have subtitles / captions associated with them...
  • Timeline Layers — Some thoughts on timeline layers...
  • Cinematic production snapshots — This page contains a number of snapshots of a cinematic from it's early stages of production through to completion...
  • Post-Processing Effects — By adding post-processing effects to your videos you can give them a unique look and feel that results in a much more "cinematic" experience for the viewer...
    • Spatial Expansion — This technique makes viewers more spatially aware of the "vastness" of your scenes...
    • Scanlines — Trick your brain in to thinking it's watching a video of a monitor playing back a video...
    • TV Static — Add TV static interference effects sparingly to add "gritty" realism to your cinematics...
  • Video Directory — A directory of all video sequences included with Warzone 2100 (or separate download if you originally installed the "No video" version)...
    • sequences — This is the main folder where video files are stored in Warzone 2100.
    • Which videos are always included? — There are several video clips that are always included regardless of which game package you download (even the "No videos" package contains these videos)...
    • Important sequences — These sequences contain key information about the game timeline, factions, etc.

See also

  • Audio Directory – lots of useful audio clips you can use in your videos
  • gameOverMessage() – JS API function to play "game over" video (either victory or defeat)
  • eventVideoDone() – JS API event triggered when video playback has finished