Video (Cinematics)

(info) Most of the information here is for Warzone 3.1 and above.

Video (Cinematics)


Directory of all videos bundled with the game, tutorials on making cinematics, cutscenes and more...


  • Camera ConceptsThink about the camera - where and what is it...?
  • Subtitles / CaptionsVideos can have subtitles / captions associated with them...
  • Timeline LayersSome thoughts on timeline layers...
  • Cinematic production snapshotsThis page contains a number of snapshots of a cinematic from it's early stages of production through to completion...
  • Post-Processing EffectsBy adding post-processing effects to your videos you can give them a unique look and feel that results in a much more "cinematic" experience for the viewer...
    • Spatial ExpansionThis technique makes viewers more spatially aware of the "vastness" of your scenes...
    • ScanlinesTrick your brain in to thinking it's watching a video of a monitor playing back a video...
    • TV StaticAdd TV static interference effects sparingly to add "gritty" realism to your cinematics...
  • Video DirectoryA directory of all video sequences included with Warzone 2100 (or separate download if you originally installed the "No video" version)...
    • sequencesThis is the main folder where video files are stored in Warzone 2100.
    • Which videos are always included?There are several video clips that are always included regardless of which game package you download (even the "No videos" package contains these videos)...
    • Important sequencesThese sequences contain key information about the game timeline, factions, etc.

See also

  • Audio Directory – lots of useful audio clips you can use in your videos
  • gameOverMessage() – JS API function to play "game over" video (either victory or defeat)
  • eventVideoDone() – JS API event triggered when video playback has finished