Maps (Levels)

(info) Most of the information here is for Warzone 3.1 and above.

Maps (Levels)

Create custom warzone maps in a variety of design and gameplay styles...


Modern Map Editors


FlaME is the map editor that most people are using to create and edit Warzone maps:

Warzone Map Editor

A project that Emdek (and others) were working on to provide a QT based map editor, but seems inactive now:

Older Map Editors


EditWorld is the original map editor that Pumpkin Studios used to create the campaign maps.

Diorama & Make Map

Automatically creates maps for WZ 2.3.9 (possibly compatible with 3.x?):

Map making tutorials

  • <mapname>.iniDefines the name, number of players and default team settings for a map...
  • Edit World (Map Editor)This was the original map editing tool developed and used by Pumpkin Studios to design the maps that came with Warzone.
  • GatewaysGateways provide hints to AI scripts as to where to build defences on the map...
  • How do I install a Map?To install a map, move the downloaded .wz file to the "maps" folder in your config folder...
  • Map Naming ConventionsTo keep things consistent, the Warzone community has adopted a file name convention for maps.
  • Map SketchingSketching out maps on paper is a great way to start your design process..
  • Player Starting PositionsSome thoughts on where to put player starting positions and how to order them on the map...


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See also

Related articles / sites:

  • Showcase – a good place to share new maps with the community and find maps made by others
  • Mapping / Modding – the best place to get help with map making
  • Mapmaking Tips – several map making guides on the official Warzone developer wiki
  • Map Printer – create bitmap images from .lnd files
  • Mapping Tips – some tutorials for map makers