Which videos are always included?

(info) Most of the information here is for Warzone 3.1 and above.

Which videos are always included?


There are several video clips that are always included regardless of which game package you download (even the "No videos" package contains these videos)...

Folder Location

 base.wz / sequences

Note that if the game package includes full sequences or the videos have been downloaded separately, the sequences folder in sequences.wz will override the base.wz/sequences folder, adding lots of new videos in the process.

Briefing, Victory and Defeat

These videos are shown when you either win or lose a mission or game:

Silent (no audio track) videos

The following videos show a sort of green-screen 3D animated wireframe schematic of various technologies or scenarios:

I've also seen blank versions of these videos - not sure if that's a recent change or not?

They are incredibly useful when creating custom cinematics or cutscenes because they don't contain any audio.