Most of the information here is for Warzone 3.1 and above.
Images, Icons & Cursors
.img files
These are text files that list images and their "point of origin" offsets:
- frontend.img – lists all images in the
frontend folder.
- intfac.img – lists all images in the
intfac folder.
If you add, change or remove any images, you'll need to update these files.
The two numbers at the start of each line define the pixel offset to apply to the image when it's displayed on screen. This allows the position of the top-left corner of the image to be changed if required. For example, if you replace an existing image with a new image that has smaller or larger dimensions, you can use the offset to change where it appears so that it looks right on screen.
Note: Both files must be referenced in frontend.wrf. This tells Warzone to inspect the files and load all images that they list.
Burning oil resource images
The intfac_differentOil.img file defines the image sequence used to depict a burning oil resource on the radar mini map.
The cycle consists of 6 images (image_rad_burnres1.png → image_rad_burnres6.png) located in the intfac folder:
As you can see, the images are tiny and they are also different sizes.
Anyone know the format of this file?
This image is used as the application icon on some operating systems. It should be 128x128 pixels and PNG format.
On Windows, you will need to convert it in to a .ico file ( not sure where to put it though!) and ensure there are alternate sizes defined (eg. 16x16, 32x32, etc).
frontend folder
This folder contains images and icons that are mostly used for Menus & Screens, including game set-up screens, for example:
- Player rank images (image_medal_*.png and image_multirank*.png)
- Game set-up buttons and icons (too many to list!)
- AI difficulty icons (image_easy.png, image_medium.png, image_hard.png, image_insane.png)
- Team icons (image_team*.png)
- Coloured flags (image_player*.png)
- The "Back" arrow (image_return*.png)
- Disabled structure icons (image_no_*.png)
- Multiplayer ping time icons (image_lamp_*.png)
It also contains image_fe_logo.png – the Warzone logo shown on the Main Menu:
Many of the button and icon images in the folder will have two or more states, for example disabled/enabled and normal/hover variants of the image.
Some advice when changing the contents of this folder:
- Don't remove any images – the menus and screens in the game are hard-coded to use specific image files.
- Don't change the size of images – their positions and sizes are all hard-coded in the C++ code and not easy to change.
intfac folder
Anything that can be placed on the map, including rally points, has to be defined as a 3D Model, not an image.
This folder contains icons, cursors, images and even ASCII characters used during a game:
- Text characters (image_ascii*.png)
- Sensor droid target crosshairs (image_blue*.png and image_target*.png)
- Hexagonal "Reticule buttons" (eg. image_build_*.png, image_cancel_*.png, etc.)
- Backgrounds for factory and research lab task panels (image_but*.png)
- Cursors (image_cursor_*.png)
- Droid designer images (image_des_*.png)
- Droid group numbers (image_gn_*.png)
- Droid experience/rank (image_lev_*.png)
- Droid and factory settings panel buttons (image_ord_*.png)
- Buttons on the "player intelligence report" screen (image_multi_*.png)
- The power bar (image_pbar_*.png)
- Minimap overlays for beacons, objectives, oil resources (image_rad_*.png)
- Tab images (anything with "tab" in the filename, these are also used on Menus & Screens)
Any image with "tc" in its filename indicates that it's used as a "team colour" mask (or more specifically, a player colour mask). For example, image_ally_research_tc.png will be colourised with your ally's player colour and then overlaid on top of image_ally_research.png so that you see a coloured heart icon in the research panel when an ally is researching something. For more information on colours, see Faction, Team & Player Colours.
Just like images in the frontend folder, images in the intfac folder usually have several states. Some images are also used for basic animation sequences (the minimap overlays).
Some advice when changing the contents of this folder:
- Don't remove any images – their use is hard-coded in the game and you'll break stuff.
- Don't change the size of images – again, everything's hard-coded in the game and you'll break stuff.
Jump to:
File locations
The images bundled with the game can be found here:
base.wz or
<image files>
<image files>
If you want to customise the images in a mod, use the following structure:
<your mod>.wz or
<your mod>
<image files>
<image files>
Obviously only include files you want to change.
Tip: You can get SVG format source images for many of the icons from the Warzone 2100 github repository.