Audio Directory

(info) Most of the information here is for Warzone 3.1 and above.

Audio Directory

A directory of audio files supplied with Warzone 2100, with additional audio from some mods included for good measure!



 base.wz or  base

  • sitrepmodSome custom audio messages made for the Enhanced Situation Reporting Mod.
  • sequenceaudioVarious audio messages, including research completion and faction sequences.
  • audioThis is the "audio" folder inside base.wz - it contains some config files and a number of sub-folders that contain the actual audio files.
    • sfxA folder containing numerous sound effects grouped in sub-folders.
      • miscVarious sound effects, such as people screaming for help!
      • weaponsSound effects for turrets including construction, weapon fire and projectile flight.
      • vehicleVarious vehicle sound effects for starting, moving and stopping.
      • explonsSound effects for explosions and weapon hits.
      • interfceVarious bleep sounds for when things are clicked in the user interface.
      • buildingBuilding sound effects.
    • proxmessagesFemale computer voice - various tutorial / mission briefing instructional messages.
    • multiSome weapon and unit sound effects.
    • tutorial (main folder)Female computer voice - huge number of messages relating to the tutorial.
    • coltiveCollective voice - various unfriendly messages from the Collective.
    • radclickA number of sound effects that simulate the mic sounds when using a CB radio.
    • nexusNEXUS voice - various cheerful messages from the NEXUS Intruder Program.
    • trnsppilTransporter captain intercom messages - various messages to the troops on the transport.
    • extraFemale computer voice - various messages (building names, laser satellite stuff, sensor and status reports, etc).
    • countdownMale radio transmission voice - countdowns to missiles and detonations.
    • memresspContains lots of sub-folders with categorised audio files...
      • detectFemale computer voice - messages about things being detected.
      • artbatFemale computer voice - messages for assigning to sensors/counter-battery turrets, and battery attacks.
      • productnFemale computer voice - messages relating to unit production.
      • repairFemale computer voice - message relating to unit repair.
      • missmesgFemale computer voice - messages relating to missions, multiplayer, etc.
      • statusFemale computer voice - various status messages (scavenger bases, landing zones, etc).
      • structFemale computer voice - status messages relating to structures (under attack, repair, demolished, etc).
      • tutorial (feedback messages)Female computer voice - various messages relating to the tutorial.
      • consoleFemale computer voice - various user interface and game messages, unit settings, power transfer, etc.
      • routingFemale computer voice - messages relating to pathfinding.
      • vtolsFemale computer voice - various messages regarding VTOLs / interceptors.
      • researchFemale computer voice - messages relating to research and technology.
      • trnsportFemale computer voice - various messages relating to transports and landing zones.
      • desnesqFemale computer voice - unit designer feedback.
      • cmndasiFemale computer voice - messages for commander assignments and commander/group reporting.
      • combatFemale computer voice - messages about units under attack, destroyed units, etc.
      • powerFemale computer voice - message relating to oil resources, derricks, power generators, etc.
      • cmndrvocMale voice over a crackly CB radio - messages about group numbers, object detections, path finding, etc.
    • vtoltalkMale radio voice - various messages from VTOL pilots.
    • tauntsThree versions (different voice artists) of several taunts in sub-folders.
      • taunt2Male voice 2 - several taunt messages.
      • taunt1Male voice 1 - several taunt messages.
      • taunt3Male voice 3 - several taunt messages.

See also