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Throttled alternative for playSound().



/* #######################################################################################
   audioAlert.js v0.1
   audioAlert(filename, pos despam) -- plays an audio alert to the human player
   * filename -- Required: Filename (including .ogg extension) of audio file to play
   * pos      -- Optional: Display a beacon on mini map by passing in a game object
   * despam   -- Optional: Throttle the alert, default 2000ms before playing it again
   ####################################################################################### */

// Play an audio alert (de-spammed):
function audioAlert(filename, pos, despam) {
  if ( (!(filename in audioAlert.despam)) || audioAlert.despam[filename] < gameTime ) {
    // define when this particular alert can next be played
    audioAlert.despam[filename] = gameTime + (despam || 2000); // default to 2 second despam
    // play sound and show beacom where the event occurred
    (!!pos) ? playSound(filename,pos.x,pos.y,pos.z) : playSound(filename);
// Lookup table of time when an alert was last played
audioAlert.despam = {};


The audioAlert() function has the following parameters...


The filename of the audio file to play, in quotes, for example "pcv476.ogg".

The audio file must be properly defined in the game config files - for more details, Audio (Sound).

A list of all audio included with Warzone can be found in the Audio Directory.


Game object


If you want to show a beacon on the mini map when the sound is played, pass in a game object (or any other object that has x,y,z properties).

If you want a custom 'despam' (see below) but without a beacon, pass in false.


How long before this particular audio file can be played again?

Defaults to 2000 milliseconds unless you specify otherwise.


// welcome player to the game
eventStartLevel() {
// tell me when a structure is destroyed (but no more than once per 5 seconds)
eventDestroyed(victim) {
  if (victim.type == STRUCTURE && !victim.status) {
    audioAlert("pcv340.ogg", victim, 5000);
This function was created during development of the Enhanced SitRep Mod.



  • Warzone 3.1 Beta 1 and above.

See also

Related articles:

  • Audio (Sound) – guide to modding game audio and a complete directory of all audio bundled with Warzone
  • Enhanced SitRep Mod – a mod that makes extensive use of the audioAlert() function
  • playSound() – the JS API function for playing audio files