Most of the information here is for Warzone 3.1 and above.
Owned by Aubergine
Last updated: May 31, 2012Version comment
This is the "audio" folder inside base.wz - it contains some config files and a number of sub-folders that contain the actual audio files.
- taunts — Three versions (different voice artists) of several taunts in sub-folders.
- vtoltalk — Male radio voice - various messages from VTOL pilots.
- memressp — Contains lots of sub-folders with categorised audio files...
- detect — Female computer voice - messages about things being detected.
- artbat — Female computer voice - messages for assigning to sensors/counter-battery turrets, and battery attacks.
- productn — Female computer voice - messages relating to unit production.
- repair — Female computer voice - message relating to unit repair.
- missmesg — Female computer voice - messages relating to missions, multiplayer, etc.
- status — Female computer voice - various status messages (scavenger bases, landing zones, etc).
- struct — Female computer voice - status messages relating to structures (under attack, repair, demolished, etc).
- tutorial (feedback messages) — Female computer voice - various messages relating to the tutorial.
- console — Female computer voice - various user interface and game messages, unit settings, power transfer, etc.
- routing — Female computer voice - messages relating to pathfinding.
- vtols — Female computer voice - various messages regarding VTOLs / interceptors.
- research — Female computer voice - messages relating to research and technology.
- trnsport — Female computer voice - various messages relating to transports and landing zones.
- desnesq — Female computer voice - unit designer feedback.
- cmndasi — Female computer voice - messages for commander assignments and commander/group reporting.
- combat — Female computer voice - messages about units under attack, destroyed units, etc.
- power — Female computer voice - message relating to oil resources, derricks, power generators, etc.
- cmndrvoc — Male voice over a crackly CB radio - messages about group numbers, object detections, path finding, etc.
- countdown — Male radio transmission voice - countdowns to missiles and detonations.
- extra — Female computer voice - various messages (building names, laser satellite stuff, sensor and status reports, etc).
- trnsppil — Transporter captain intercom messages - various messages to the troops on the transport.
- nexus — NEXUS voice - various cheerful messages from the NEXUS Intruder Program.
- radclick — A number of sound effects that simulate the mic sounds when using a CB radio.
- coltive — Collective voice - various unfriendly messages from the Collective.
- tutorial (main folder) — Female computer voice - huge number of messages relating to the tutorial.
- multi — Some weapon and unit sound effects.
- proxmessages — Female computer voice - various tutorial / mission briefing instructional messages.
- sfx — A folder containing numerous sound effects grouped in sub-folders.
- misc — Various sound effects, such as people screaming for help!
- weapons — Sound effects for turrets including construction, weapon fire and projectile flight.
- vehicle — Various vehicle sound effects for starting, moving and stopping.
- explons — Sound effects for explosions and weapon hits.
- interfce — Various bleep sounds for when things are clicked in the user interface.
- building — Building sound effects.
There are two configuration files in this folder: audio.cfg and frontaud.cfg
, multiple selections available,