How do I install a Map?

(info) Most of the information here is for Warzone 3.1 and above.

How do I install a Map?

To install a map, move the downloaded .wz file to the "maps" folder in your config folder...



XP or lower

C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\My Documents\Warzone 2100 <version>\maps

 Vista or higher

C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Warzone 2100 <version>\maps

Mac OS X

/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Warzone 2100 <version>/maps



If the "maps" folder doesn't exist, create it.

Maps must be in ".wz" format. If you have some other format, see the "Map Format" panel below. 
<username> is your login name

<version> is the game version, eg. 3.1

Map Format

If you downloaded a map and ended up with a ".zip" file, follow these steps to fix that:

  • Upgrade Internet Explorer to at least version 9 or above, or use a proper web browser like Google Chrome. (wink)
  • Then try downloading the map again. You should get a ".wz" file not a ".zip" file.

Note that ".wdg" files are an old map format that's not compatible with recent versions of Warzone. If you have one:

  • Try and find a newer version of the map by searching in Addons or Forums tabs on the Warzone website.
  • Or, convert the map manually as described on the old developer wiki.

See also

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