Strange Turrets / Weapons

(warning) This encyclopaedia contains lots of spoilers - you should play through the campaigns first before reading too much here!

Strange Turrets / Weapons

Several long-forgotten Warzone turrets and weapons...


Blast from the past

Twin Heavy Cannon

Weapons from the Demo

This video shows a several unusual weapons that apparently were part of the original Warzone demo:

Nostalgia Mod

Some of these weapons were later made available in Black Project's "Nostalgia Mod", however it's not compatible with recent versions of Warzone.

If you want to see a wide array of new weapons, some of which are similar to those shown above (eg. ballistic missiles), check out Shadow Wolf TJC's Contingency mod.

Shadow Wolf TJC has developed dozens of new and unique units and weapons, as part of his Contingency mod.


Over the years, many weird and wonderful weapons have been seen in Warzone.

Some of them evolved in to what we see today, others have been removed and forgotten.

Unusual things

Here's some other unusual things and experiments from times gone by:

  • Advanced Repair FacilityAn unusual repair structure that you won't have seen before...
  • Cargo ContainersStacking cargo containers whilst map designing to create walls and arches.
  • MechsXanaPrime created a mod that added "Mech Warrior" style droids to Warzone...
  • MinesExplosive mines and cyborgs to place and detect them...
  • Strange CyborgsA howitzer and sniper cyborg...
  • Strange Turrets / WeaponsSeveral long-forgotten Warzone turrets and weapons...