Application Folder

(info) Most of the information here is for Warzone 3.1 and above.

Application Folder

The folders/directories used by Warzone – where to find them and what they mean...


Folders & Important Files

These folders contain the stuff you downloaded when you first installed Warzone - things like videos, 3D models and various config files.

 Warzone 2100 – Application folder (How do I open this on a Mac?)



 Warzone.icns – application icon for Mac OS X

 base.wz – the main game data files

 gamedesc.lev – ???

 palette.txt – Colour palette. See also: Faction, Team & Player Colours


 audio – audio files, sound effects, etc. – see Audio (Sound) guide

 audio.cfg – defines volume and other settings for audio files

 frontaud.cfg – ??


 c1prox.fodt – completely useless file?

 components – droid components available in all types of game








 sequenceaudio – some additional audio, and subtitles / captions for videos

 sequences – videos that are always included



 body.ini – ...

 body.txt – ...





 audio.wrf – defines locations of all audio files


 mp.wz – this becomes active during multiplayer, skirmish and challenge games.

 addon.lev – ???


 challenges – challenge maps bundled with the game

 components – additional droid components that are only available in multiplayer, skirmish and challenge games

 bodies – additional body components

 prop – additional propulsion components

 weapons – additional weapon




 maps – maps bundled with the game

 script – the home of scavfact.js and research tree settings

 skirmish – game rules and AI scripts

 rules.js – see Game Rules & SitRep




 music – music bundled with the game

 music.wpl – playlist for in-game music

 sequences.wz – this is always active if installed.

 sequences – video files used throughout the game – see Video (Cinematics)

 cam1 – videos specific to the first campaign

 cam2 – videos specific to the second campaign

 cam3 – videos specific to the third campaign

 WarzoneHelp – HTML user manual

 Under construction!

Icon Key

The icons shown have the following meanings:

Application folder

Config folder

Warzone Zips (.wz)

Normal folder

Configuration data

Javascript file

Image or icon

Music or audio

Video file