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Instruct a droid to attack something.


Warzone 3.1 Beta 1 and above.


// tell myDroid to attack enemyObject


The droid's current order can be determined from it's .order property. For more information see Droid object.

As of Warzone 3.2, you can work out what a droid can attack from it's .canHitAir and .canHitGround properties. For more information see Droid object.

Droids can also attack features that have a .destroyable == true property. For more information see Feature object.

If you're ordering a sensor droid to DORDER_ATTACK then only it's assigned units will attack the target. If you want base defences to attack the target as well, tell the sensor to DORDER_OBSERVE the target.

Bug #3359 indicates there might be a problem ordering scavenger units that are pre-placed on the map (at design time) to attack.

See also

  • Droids – quick reference of API features relating to droids
  • orderDroidObj() – tell a droid to do something to something