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Instruct a sensor droid to observe (target) a Droid object, Structure object, or even a Feature object.


 Requires backport.dorder.js v0.1 or above.

This isn't a standard feature of the JS API at present (but likely to be added in the future), however it's a constant used by the game engine so it's recognised by Warzone from at least 3.1 Beta 1 onwards.




The droid's current order can be determined from it's .order property. For more information see Droid object.

This is similar to DORDER_ATTACK, however DORDER_OBSERVE not only instructs droids assigned to the sensor to attack the target, it will also instruct suitable base defences (like artillery and missiles) to attack the target, so it's a much more effective way to deal pain to the enemy.

Before observing feature objects, check that their .destroyable property as there's no point in targeting something indestructible. For more information see Feature object.

See also