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Determine if, based on the script player's current knowledge of the map, whether a specific map location is safe or not.

Because this function is based on knowledge of the map, any enemy droids/structures that are in the fog of war (or otherwise not visible to your sensors - eg. ECM in effect) will not be checked, so use this with care. In other words, what looks like a safe place to your sensors might be a very dangerous place.


var returnValue = safeDest(player,x,y);


playerNumber(tick)The id of the player who's safety you care about (usually me)
xNumber(tick)The x co-ordinate of the position on the map to check
yNumber(tick)The y co-ordinate of the position on the map to check

Return value

trueBooleanThe position appears safe, according to your sensors.
falseBooleanThe position is not safe.
<error>ErrorThe player specified did not exist or the position specified was not on the map.


// assuming "oil" is a feature object representing an oil resource...
if (safeDest(me,oil.x,oil.y)) {
  // build oil derrick

See also