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Get positions of non-transient radar blips as seen by your radar detectors...



var returnValue = enumBlips( seenBy );


ParameterTypeMandatoryDescriptionGame version

A list of blips seen by the specified player will be returned.

Usually, you'll want this to be me.

3.1 beta 2

Return values

ValueTypeDescriptionGame version

An array of objects, with each object having an x and y property specifying the location of a blip on the map. The objects are similar to Position objects but without the .type property.

You cannot target blips, but you can send a droid to the position to scout and find out more about what is there.

3.1 beta 2
<error>ErrorThe player specified does not exist.3.1 beta 2


Iterating a list of blips
var blips = enumBlips(me); // what radar blips can I see?
blips.forEach( function(blip) {
  console("Enemy blip detected at x:"+blip.x+", y:"+blip.y);
} );
Availability 3.1 B2+


  • Warzone 3.1 Beta 2 or above

Jump to:

What blips?

(tick) Enemy sensor towers (all types)

(tick) Enemy ECM towers

(error) Enemy radar detectors

(error) Enemy units that just went out of view

See also

Related articles:

  • eventObjectSeen() – an event that's triggered when your normal sensors detect game objects
  • enumArea() – get a list of objects in a specific area of the map
  • enumRange() – get a list of objects within a specific range of a map position
  • enumStruct() – get a list of structures
  • Map – quick reference of API features relating to maps