
(info) This AI is still in early stages of development.


Returns the players object associated with the Scavenger faction, even if Scavengers are disabled.



var scavs = Players.scavenger; // returns scav players object

Return value

The Players Object associated with the Scavenger faction.


The Players Object will be returned even if Scavengers are not present on the map.

This is useful because the players object's .isAlive property is a much more accurate and concise way to determine if there are Scavengers roaming the map than using the native scavengers and scavengerPlayer globals:

  • It checks to see if Scavengers are enabled on the map first
  • If they are, it checks to see if they actually have any structures or droids
  • The result is cached to keep performance high

(warning) Scavengers don't have a start position, so:

Players.scavenger.position == undefined


Are Scavengers roaming the map?
var scavsRoamingMap = Players.scavenger.isAlive;
Availability STABLE



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See also

Related articles:

Players API


  • isPlayerAlive()A global function that performs a basic, un-cached check to determine if a player is alive.
  • eventTeamRevived()A global event triggered when a team is revived (one or more of it's players resurrected).
  • eventPlayerDefeated()A global event triggered when a player is defeated.
  • eventPlayerRevived()A global event triggered when a player is revived (brought back to life).
  • Modding Players APIThe Players API supports modding...
  • isSpectator()A global function that performs a basic, un-cached check to determine if a player is a spectator based on presence of a Satellite Uplink at the start of the game.
  • Players[]Main interface to Players API and an array of all players in the game, including Scavengers.
    • Players.alliesAndMe[]Returns an array of players objects for living allied players, including me.
    • Players.alive[]Returns an array of players objects for living players.
    • Players.allies[]Returns an array of players objects for living allied players.
    • Players.refresh()Rebuilds all Players Objects, use with care!
    • Players.dead[]Returns an array of players objects for dead players.
    • Players.scavengerReturns the players object associated with the Scavenger faction, even if Scavengers are disabled.
    • Players.meReturns the player object associated with your script.
    • Players.enemies[]Returns an array of players objects for living enemy players.
    • Players.mod()Extend the Players API and Players Objects with your own features...
  • Players ObjectsThe objects returned by the Players API are enhanced versions of Player objects...
  • eventTeamDefeated()A global event triggered when a team is defeated (all it's players defeated).