Diag API

(info) This AI is still in early stages of development.

Diag API

Diag is a simple yet effective diagnostic API for EggPlant.



Diag allows other APIs to register diagnostic routines, associating them with a string name in the diagnostics repository.

Diagnostic routines can then be run via a global function, referencing them by name and passing in any additional parameters they require.

You can also use the chat interface to run diagnostics (requires Warzone 3.2 or above). See EggPlant Diagnostics for a list of available diagnostics.

When using the chat interface, please remember that the command must be sent to an EggPlant player for it to have effect.

Availability BETA


  • Warzone 3.1 and above
    (3.2 required for chat integration)
  • Util API
  • Define API
  • Events API

Diag API


  • Diag()Run a diagnostic routine...
  • Diag API DiagnosticsThe Diag API provides a few diagnostic routines of it's own...
  • Lazy Loading DiagnosticsBy lazy loading diagnostic routines, your script will start faster and use less RAM if diagnostics are not required.