(info) This AI is still in early stages of development.

Base API

The Base API is responsible for construction, repair and upgrades of base and defence structures.


Dynamic Build Orders

Rather than using pre-defined build orders, Base will determine the best build order to use at the start of a game based on a number of factors such as:

  • Map dimensions
  • Proximity of enemies and allies
  • Amount and location of oil resources
  • Game power level
  • Number of starting trucks / buildings
  • Presence and proximity of Scavengers
  • Number of un-researched technologies remaining
  • Tank, Cyborg and VTOL availability

Truck management

Base will maintain an adequate number of trucks throughout the game, increasing and decreasing the number according to game situation.

Trucks are dynamically allocated to duties based on current game state. Available duties include:

  • Base construction
  • Defence construction & Sensor coverage
  • Oil derrick construction (with variants for base, near or far oil)
  • Structure maintenance (repairs, upgrades, renovation)
  • Survivor units

Survivor units are trucks that hide out in ally bases or distant map locations. Should the main base be destroyed, they will quickly start building a new base in attempt to get back in to the game.

Multiple zones

EggPlant is capable of maintaining multiple construction zones, such as:

  • Main base (at or near player starting location)
  • Secondary and sometimes tertiary bases (eg. if a player is defeated, take over their land)
  • Derrick defence zones
  • Choke point defences
  • Defence outposts

Base will also attempt to gain sensor and defence coverage of sectors within its territory.

Should base detect overlapping zones, it will attempt to merge them to optimise the use of defence structures, radars and walls/gates.

Structure maintenance

As well as doing the usual structure repairs and adding modules to base structures, Base will also attempt to replace outdated defence structures with more modern versions.

For example, mortar pits will be upgraded to bombard or incendiary mortar pits; hardened sensor towers will be upgraded to VTOL strike towers or wide spectrum sensors, etc.

The rate at which upgrades are performed is relatively slow to avoid overspending on defence renovation.

Base will also demolish structures that are no longer needed, and where applicable relocate structures to more useful locations (eg. moving a repair station closer to the battlefront).

Co-ordination with military & allies

Where possible, Base will co-ordinate with military units when performing construction work in order to keep the enemy at bay until structures are built. Base will also attempt to build defences along common paths used by military units to enable a "hard push" that gains ground more reliably.

In future versions (after release of Warzone 3.2), Base will attempt to collaborate with allies, for example:

  • Sharing construction tasks, eg. to build up a zone faster
  • Allocation of territories, eg. oil in an ally base is off-limits

Availability ALPHA


  • Warzone 3.1 or above
  • lots of other stuff