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Alpha 11: Preventative Measures
info to follow
Based on Rommel's strategy:
Cyborg gunners are ideal for this mission, you'll need at least 2 transports full of them. After landing at LZ1, rush them past the scavengers, who's rockets are ineffective against cyborgs, and get them to the rally point indicated below:
The enemy units will approach from the valley to the west, trying to reach LZ2 via the rally point where your troops will intercept them. Make sure you take out their lancers first before attacking their other units. The biggest tank is carrying the artifact and will drop it once destroyed. Collect the artifact as soon as it's dropped to prevent the enemy rushing more units in to the valley.
During the battle for the artifact, transport in a load of lancer cyborgs or tanks, because things are about to get nasty - LZ2 is in the middle of a well defended New Paradigm outpost!
If you have construction droids, build a repair facility near the rally point. As for the lancers, send them by the shortest route (via the rally point) to LZ2. You could send them the longer route via the most northern valley, but it takes longer and you'll encounter even more defences in the north western corner of the map.
Your task now is to find and destroy every New Paradigm tank that's left on the map.
Assuming you choose the shortest route to LZ2, you'll first run in to some guard towers - destroy them quickly as they are lethal to cyborgs. When you reach the plateau where LZ2 is located, you'll come under heavy fire from a bunch of lancer towers as well as a group of New Paradigm tanks, some of which are bombard mortars which have likely been firing at your cyborgs since they reached the guard towers.
Once all the enemy tanks are destroyed (you might need to hunt a little to find them all) you'll be told to return to LZ1 and the mission will end once all your troops reach it.
Struggling to get all your units back to LZ1 before the timer runs out? Recycle the units furthest from it at the repair station, but retain at least one unit to board the transport and deliver the artifact to Alpha Base.
One artifact is available in this mission:
- Heavy Cannon
There are also some oil barrels in the scavenger base in the south eastern corner of the map.