Reticule buttons

(info) Other great resources: Official JS API docs, Scripting Forum

Reticule buttons

In order to add or remove reticule buttons, you need to be in tutorial mode - see setTutorialMode() for details.


These constants are used by addReticuleButton() and removeReticuleButton().

Reticule buttons are shown below, indicating which constant is related to them:

There are other factors which affect the reticule buttons, more information is provided in the linked pages below.


  • BUILDUsed to show or hide the "Build" (hammer) reticule button.
  • CANCELUsed to show or hide the "Cancel" (central) reticule button.
  • COMMANDUsed to show or hide the "Command" (star) reticule button.
  • DESIGNUsed to show or hide the "Design" (blue components) reticule button.
  • INTELMAPUsed to show or hide the "Intelligence" (earth map) reticule button.
  • MANUFACTUREUsed to show or hide the "Maufacture" (factory) reticule button.
  • OPTIONSThis constant is deprecated, use COMMAND instead.
  • RESEARCHUsed to show or hide the "Research" (green circuit board) reticule button.