Other great resources: Official JS API docs, Scripting Forum
By inspecting the player data stored in this array, you can determine some useful information about your opponents/allies. For example, what colour or difficulty was set on the Players Panel or the .ini file that defined the game settings?
Note: Reordering players in the list changes their start position, not their player ID.
There can be up to 10 "normal" (human or AI bot) players in a game and, optionally, an additional scavengers player.
The Scavenger Faction is not listed in the playerData array, and it's player ID will always be ≥maxPlayers. You can get the ID of the scavenger faction using scavengerPlayer. As such, it's not possible to determine the colour, etc., for the scavengers faction.
If a player slot is "Closed" or "Empty", it will still be included in the playerData array.
When players are defeated, they do not get removed from the array.
Property | Type | Notes | Game Version |
<N> | Player object | The numeric element indexes in the array represent the player IDs. So, playerData[me] gives the player object for the player associated with your script, playerData[0] is the player object for player #0, etc. Player IDs are set based on the order in which a player joins the game, not the order in which they appear on the Players Panel. The order they appear in the players panel defines their startPositions[]. The human game host is always player ID 0. | 3.1 |
.length | Number | The number of "normal" players in the game (same value as maxPlayers). Players are zero-indexed, so if a game as 4 players the <n> elements would be numbered 0..3, etc. | 3.1 |
The playerData array is a normal array and thus inherits all standard methods and properties of the Javascript Array class.
playerData.forEach( function get(data, player) { // player = player id // data = Player object containing info about that player });
Availability 3.1 B1+
Available since:
- Warzone 3.1 Beta 1
- See Player object for details of subsequent updates.
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See also
Related API features:
- Players & Alliances – quick reference
- maxPlayers – number of player slots for the current map
- startPositions[] – starting position for each player slot
You might also like:
- object.addProp() – how to add additional properties to Player objects
- Victory Conditions – how to determine if a player is dead or alive