Mission Types

(info) Most of the information here is for Warzone 3.1 and above.

Mission Types

Some notes on common mission types...



Help AI-controlled units reach their destination safely.

Example missions:

Things to avoid:

  • Long periods of time where nothing happens


Fight your way to the stranded units, then quickly escape to safety before being completely overrun by the enemy.

Example missions:

  • crashed transport - rescue the survivors
  • civilians being rounded up by enemy, rescue them
  • survivors of a destroyed base trying to reach you but under heavy attack


Protect allied units or structures just long enough for them to finish whatever it is they need to do.

Hold the line

Prevent the enemy forces from completing their objectives. Very similar to protect, only the focus here is on stopping the enemy advancing.


Your team or allies are fighting a losing battle, it's time for you to join them and tip the scales in our favour. You're basically arriving late to a "hold the line" mission.


Go in to enemy territory to see what they have, with the intention of avoiding battles (like that's ever going to happen).



Rush to intercept an enemy, usually as they try to transport an artifact back to their base.


Assault an enemy target in order to wipe it off the map. 

Retreat (Escape)

An assault, in reverse, usually ending in a quick escape by transport.

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