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Early implementation of orderDroidBuild()...



Deprecated, use orderDroidBuild() instead.

orderDroidStatsLoc(droid, order, structureID, x, y);


ParameterTypeMandatoryNotesGame Version
droidDroid object(tick)The droid that will build the structure(s).3.1 Alpha ONLY

Indicate the construction mode:

  • DORDER_BUILD – the droid should build a single new structure.
  • DORDER_LINEBUILD – the droid should build a row of structures from it's current location to the target location.

Note: Once construction has started, other droids can help with the building process by issuing DORDER_HELPBUILD via the orderDroidObj() function.

3.1 Alpha ONLY

The ID of the structure you want built. You can find a list of structure ID's in structures.txt or structures.ini (depending on game version).

Note: You cannot use structure type constants, you have to specify the specific structure id.

3.1 Alpha ONLY

The x co-ordinate of the top-left corner of the construction site.

Note: Always find suitable co-ordinates by using pickStructLocation() first.

3.1 Alpha ONLY

The y co-ordinate of the top-left corner of the construction site.

Note: Always find suitable co-ordinates by using pickStructLocation() first.

3.1 Alpha ONLY

Return values

ValueTypeNotesGame Version
trueBooleanThe order was successful and the droid will build the structure.3.1 Alpha ONLY
falseBooleanThere was a problem and the structure will not be built.3.1 Alpha ONLY
<error>ErrorAn error occurred, for example invalid parameters.3.1 Alpha ONLY


See orderDroidBuild() for examples. The orderDroidStatsLoc() function takes the same parameters (with the exception of the direction parameter) and works the same way as orderDroidBuild().

This function is deprecated, use orderDroidBuild() instead.
Availability 3.1 A


  • Warzone 3.1 early Alpha releases
  • Still available, but deprecated, throughout all Warzone 3.1 releases
  • Expected to be removed in Warzone 3.2

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