Keyboard Shortcuts

(minus) This is a very old map editor. Use the new map editor instead: FlaME

Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts for EditWorld...



Note: Some of the Drop Down Menu Options and Icons have keyboard shortcuts. See the sections on these features for more information.

LVaries the yaw of the lighting in the 3D map view.
KVaries the pitch of the lighting in the 3D map view.
ERotates the tile beneath the mouse pointer in either the 2D or 3D map view 90 degrees anti-clockwise.
RRotates the tile beneath the mouse pointer in either the 2D or 3D view 90 degrees clockwise.
XFlips the tile beneath the mouse pointer in either the 2D or 3D view horizontally.
YFlips the tile beneath the mouse pointer in either the 2D or 3D view vertically.
WIncreases the draw distance in the 3D map view.
QDecreases the draw distance in the 3D map view.
(numeric key pad) Rotates the map around the camera in the 3D map display.
+(numeric key pad) Rotates the map around the camera in the 3D map display.
Ctrl+OOpen project.
Ctrl+SSave project.
Ctrl+GGet texture.
Ctrl+BPaint Object/Texture
Ctrl+FFill textures.
Ctrl+HPaint height.
Ctrl+DDrag vertex.
Ctrl+AMark area.
Ctrl+CCopy Marked Area to Clipboard.
Ctrl+VPaste from Clipboard.
Ctrl+TSet Tri Direction 1
Alt+BPaint with edges.
Alt+HPaint at sea level.
Alt+GGet height.
F1Look North
F2World (brings back 2D map)
F3Edge brushes (brings up edge brush section where 2D map is)