This is a very old map editor. Use the new map editor instead: FlaME
EditWorld is the map editor for Warzone 2100. It exists as a 32 bit Windows application. A modified version of it was used in creating all the levels for the original game. Using EditWorld you can create your own maps for use in the Skirmish and Multiplayer game modes.
A Warzone 2100 map is made up of a height map, a tile map, gateway information, some structures and some optional features. All of these can be edited in EditWorld.
The height map is a grid of height values. At one end of the scale is sea level, and at the other the top of the highest mountain in the game.
The tile map is a grid of textures. These textures are stretched over the height map so as to provide graphical detail. Using the textures you can create areas of grass, mud, concrete, sand or snow, and then run roads through them. There are three sets of tiles or textures, known as datasets. One dataset exists for each Campaign in the single player game mode. These are not to be confused with technology sets, which are independent of the map on which they appear.
Gateway information exists to keep the pathfinding in the game running smoothly.
Some of the 3D objects that appear in the game world are known as structures. A good example would be a player building or unit.
Other, non-player 3D objects, such as boulders, are known as features.
Pretty dry isnt it... well thats why this file came about. To teach you new and fun tricks. Ok, here's my run down of some of the above.
A warzone 2100 map is made up of:
- height map
- tile set
- gateway routing info
- player data
- tile types (explained later)
- structures (explained in advanced section)
- optional edge brush info
- various other files i will get into later
Height map = greyscale .pcx file with black being sea level and white being the highest point of the map. Best reference I have using a height map is my own map, rolling hills. If youve already played it you know what im talking about. Its a beautiful map.
Now the next statement from the original doc has me confused. Are they refering to tile types or tile set? Who knows.. and i have no comment on it.
Gateways. Oh joy, they are correct. You need a good gateway system to keep your units from getting stuck anywhere. Ill have an entire section devoted to this very sore topic later.
Last two entries should be pretty explanitory.. no point in saying that over again.