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Defines the rate at which oil derricks produce power, prior to applying any power upgrades.



The power level setting defines the rate at which your derricks produce oil. The higher the power level, the more oil they will produce.

In Warzone 3.2+, INSANE AI players automatically get twice as much production from their derricks (see difficulty for more information).

IconValueDescriptionINSANE AI Value
400Low power output800
700Medium power output1400
1000High power levels output2000

How is it set?

For Challenge Games, choose the set the "Power" property in your .ini file to the relevant number.

For Skirmish and Multiplayer games, the power type is defined on the game set-up screen:

The order in which things are built and researched will usually be quite different depending on the power level, so your script should act accordingly. For example, if your derricks have a base output of 1000 you might want to do a bit more research than you would if they were only outputting 400?


Switching based on power level setting
switch (powerType) {
  case 1000: {
    console("it's a high power game");
  case 700: {
    console("it's a medium power game");
  case 400: {
    console("it's a low power game");
  default: {
    console("unrecognised power level!");
Wondering what sets the initial amount of power you get when the game starts? See baseType.
Availability 3.1 B1+


  • Warzone 3.1 Beta 1 or above

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See also

Related articles:

  • baseType – determines the amount of power a player is given at the start of the game
  • setPower() – give power to a player
  • playerPower() – determine how much power a player currently has
  • Difficulty Levels – effects of difficulty setting on power level