(info) This AI is still in early stages of development.


Call a superclass method or constructor from within the class method (of same name) or constructor.



var result = this.super(args);


ParameterTypeMandatoryDescriptionAPI Version

Optionally specify any arguments to pass to the superclass constructor or method.


Return value

ValueTypeDescriptionAPI Version
<result>VariantThe return value of the superclass constructor/method.1.0
<error>ErrorAn error occurred.1.0


// define superclass
var supervillain = function(name, color) {
	this.name = name;
	this.color = color || "Pink";
supervillain.prototype.toString = function() {
	return this.name;
supervillain.prototype.evilName = function() {
	return this.color+" "+this.name;
// define class
var villain = function(name, weapon, colour) {
	this.weapon = weapon || "Chuck Norris";
	this.super(name, colour);
villain.prototype.evilName = function() {
	return "Evil "+this.super();
// make some instances
var bob = new villain("Bob", "Spoon", "Purple");
var alice = new villain("Alice");
bob.name; // "Bob"
bob.weapon; // "Spoon"
bob.color; // "Purple"
bob.toString(); // "Bob"
bob.evilName(); // "Evil Purple Bob"
alice.name; // "Alice"
alice.weapon; // "Chuck Norris"
alice.color; // "Pink"
alice.toString(); // "Alice"
alice.evilName(); // "Evil Pink Alice"


By default, super() will search 4 levels of the prototype chain to locate superclass methods. When it finds a super-method, it will cache the result so subsequent calls are significantly faster. Constructor super-constructors are automatically cached during inheritance for maximum instantiation performance.

If you want to increase the depth to which super() will search the prototype chain, you can set this.super to a number like so:

Changing maximum prototype search depth...
this.super = 10; // this.super() will search 10 levels deep
this.super = void super; // revert to default (4 levels)

The super() method can only be invoked from within a function (otherwise it will throw an error). It will only work on instances of classes that use a classical prototypal inheritance model.

uSuper() is designed for use on classes that use a classical prototypal inheritance model – specifically, the sort that function.inherit() sets up.

It must only be called from within a function.

Availability BETA



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Inheritance Model


  • object.super() — Call a superclass method or constructor from within the class method (of same name) or constructor.
  • function.inherit() — Simplifies the implementation and use of classical Javascript prototypal inheritance.