
(info) This AI is still in early stages of development.


Skip version checking for a dependency check...



Use Check.ANY_VERSION as a replacement for a version number on any function that checks dependencies or for dependencies listed in a Dependency Descriptor Object.


Example of incorrect use...
// DO NOT use Check.ANY_VERSION in a Self Descriptor Object
var self = {file:"bar.js", ver: Check.ANY_VERSION); // Error
Examples of correct use...
if (Check.has("foo.js", Check.ANY_VERSION)) {
	// code here will run if any version of foo.js is loaded
// same as...
if (Check.has("foo.js")) { // version defaults to Check.ANY_VERSION
	// code here will run if any version of foo.js is loaded
var dependencies = {"foo.js": Check.ANY_VERSION};
// boz.js will be loaded (if it's path is in Check.paths) when
// any version of foo.js becomes available
Check.doWhen(dependencies, self, "boz.js", Check.LAZY_LOAD);
// will validate if any version of foo.js is loaded
// will throw an error if foo.js is not loaded
Check.required(dependencies, self);
Strict vs. normal equality...
var version = Check.versionOf("foo.js");
if (version == Check.ANY_VERSION) {
	// some version is loaded
	// because normal equality used (== instead of ===)
if (version === Check.ANY_VERSION) {
	// will never get called
	// because strict equality used (=== instead of ==)
// switch statements also use strict equality
switch (version) {
	case Check.NOT_LOADED: {
		// will match if foo.js isn't loaded
	case Check.ANY_VERSION: {
		// will *never* match
	case 1.0 {
		// will only match if v1.0 of foo.js is loaded
	default: {
		// will match if any version of foo.js is loaded
Availability BETA



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Dependency Checking
