
(info) This AI is still in early stages of development.


A quick way to check if an object is a function...



The .isFunction property is added to all objects, but only returns true on functions.

var returnValue = obj.isFunction;

Return value

ValueTypeNotesAPI Version
trueBooleanThe object is a function1.0
falseBooleanThe object is not a function1.0


Pre-check that a value is not null before using .isFunction...

var val = null;
if (val.isFunction) { // Reference Error (null.isFunction not defined)
if (val && val.isFunction) { // false
	// val is a function
// alternate approach using typeOf()
if (typeOf(val) == "function") { // false
	// val is a function
Availability STABLE



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Type Checking


  • classOf()Returns the name of the class (constructor) used to create an object...
  • object.isFunctionA quick way to check if an object is a function...
  • typeOf()Returns a more accurate object type name than Javascript's native "typeof https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/typeof" operator...
  • object.isArrayA quick way to check if an object is an array...