Diag API Diagnostics

(info) This AI is still in early stages of development.

Diag API Diagnostics

The Diag API provides a few diagnostic routines of it's own...



This page assumes you are using Diag's chat interface to run diagnostics. If you are running diagnostics from code, see Diag API documentation for syntax.

CommandNotesDiag Ver
diag listLists all available diagnostic routines0.1
diag apiLists all APIs registered with Util.js0.1

You can find lists of other diagnostic chat commands by typing "diagnostics" in to the search box at the top of this page or by Google searching 'warzone api diagnostics'.

Diag API


  • Diag()Run a diagnostic routine...
  • Diag API DiagnosticsThe Diag API provides a few diagnostic routines of it's own...
  • Lazy Loading DiagnosticsBy lazy loading diagnostic routines, your script will start faster and use less RAM if diagnostics are not required.