EggPlant Diagnostics
This AI is still in early stages of development.
EggPlant Diagnostics
Owned by Aubergine
EggPlant features a comprehensive suite of diagnostic tools which can be accessed via in-game chat...
Each EggPlant player added to a game provides a chat interface to it's internal diagnostic systems.
If you run in to problems with EggPlant, the diagnostics can often provide information about what might be wrong.
Available Diagnostics
Click a link for details of chat commands:
Found 8 search result(s) for "API Diagnostics".
- Warzone 3.2 or above
- EggPlant 0.1 or above
See also
Developer documentation:
- Diag API – the diagnostics API used by EggPlant
- chat() – JS API function for sending chat messages
- eventChat() – JS API event triggered when chat messages are received